Ist  Degree Course: 

·         Meaning & History of Reiki and its uses on physical, mental, psychic, spiritual, family, social & global level.

·         Scientific evidence and medical acceptance of Reiki.

·         Instant Body & Mind relaxation techniques.

·          Deep Chakra Activation & Meditation.

·         Prevention from bacteria, pollution & all kinds of negative energy & radiations.

·         High energy food (energized by Reiki) for ultimate longevity, immunity & fast rejuvenation.

·          The theory of atom (|Quantum Physics)

·         Communication with living & non-living things.

·         Aura (Human Protective Energy Field)- how to sense, feel, scan, push, see, measure, empower, protect etc.

·         Third Eye activation.

·         Sensing negative & positive people and energy.

·         Sensing positive & negative food, gems, medicines, thoughts etc through Aura.

·         The science of quartz crystal- an empowering tool for health, success & prosperity.

·         Rebirth Meditation- A highly effective exercise to instantly release all physical, mental & emotional blockages.

·         Simple formula for developing total awareness, freedom from stess, misery |& the way to celebrate life.

·         Ultimate Human Nutrition.

·         Law of Permanent Cure & Freedom from Disease

·     Healing Self, Others, plants, animals, |Living & non-living & much more. 

IInd  Degree

·         Understanding various mystical sciences & knowing about Psychic powers- Intuition, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Sub-conscious Mind, Telekinesis, |Dowsing and |Secrets of Past Life.

·         Demystifying Tantra-Yantra-Mantra to create your own mantra & yantra.

·         The amazing power of Reiki Symbols.

·         The most powerful meditation for developing psychic abilities & Kundalini.

·         Third-eye Activation & its wide uses.

·         Empowering anything and everything like food, crystal, medicine etc. for deriving peak performance.

·         Clearing negative energy of a place, person or an object.

·         Creating energy shield & the way to protect yourself, others, cars, house etc from all kinds of negative energies.

·         Releasing negative thoughts, emotions & blockages.

·         Creating Love, Harmony & Cordial relationships.

·         Tapping the unlimited & amazing power of your Sub-conscious Mind to shape your destiny, nature, habits, personality and attract desired qualities.

·         Freeing you from negative complexes, habits & addictions.

·         Practical & scientific evidence of the instant effect of |Reiki symbol energy.

·         Healing anything & everything from a distance- disease, problems etc.

·         Creating a powerful & prosperous future.

·         Lazy exercises- even the laziest person loves to do them for complete body fitness.  


IIIrd Degree- A (Master Healer)

     Knowledge & uses of Master Symbol,      Psychic Surgery, ●     Science of Crystal Healing,      Crystal grid Healing.      Science of Chakra & mystic sounds, applied kinesiology to diagnose defective chakra & internal orgains and things,      The technique of goal achievement,      prevention & healing of psychic attack. 

IIIrd Degree-B (Reiki Mastership)

     Brief knowledge of powerful symbols and its uses,      Attunement methods (Traditional, Tibetan, Modern methods) of I, II, III degree level s in scientific manner,      Certification to become a Master Healer & Trainer. 

Grand Mastership

     The science of Symbols,      The origin of Reiki and other Symbols,      How symbol works and generate energy,      How to create your own symbols for various purposes,      Dr. Usui’s hidden knowledge & his real story,      In-depth essence & the facts of initiation,      Additional initiations for Prosperity & career (Samrudhi Shaktipat), for relationship & harmony (Madhuram Shaktipat), and for study & success (Vidya Shaktipat),      A powerful blessing attunement technique,      How to attune a powerful Reiki Master (Master Attunement) with additional symbol,      Grand Master’s instant powerful healing techniques,      How to perform Mass Healing empowerment,      How to operate Master Grid- A master healing technique for Grand Masters.



v  Dowsing- A pendulum querying system to find answers.

v  Past Life Therapy- Explore the hidden secrets through astral traveling.

v  Magnified Healing (USA Certified Course) - A unique intensive energy healing technique.

v  Karuna Reiki (USA Certified Course)A patented modified Reiki Course.

v  Lama feraA recently developed Tibetan Buddhist Healing technique.

v  AstrologyBasic & full course on Astrology.

v  Vastu ShastraBasic & full course on Vastu.

v Numerology– Basic & full course.


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